Build Your Own Expedition

We delight in working with clients to create the adventure of their dreams.

Our 260-mile thru-row of the Maine Island Trail was our first big adventure and left us hungry for more.

Celebrate a milestone—like rowing 60 miles to celebrate turning 60! Or perhaps a more relaxed 20-mile weekend to celebrate an anniversary. Maybe there’s a remote island you’ve always wanted to visit, or one you’ve longed to return to. Leigh loves designing new routes to suit individual needs.

Our overnight trips require that rowers have at least 6 months of sliding seat rowing experience, are in good physical shape and can safely clamber out onto rocky, seaweed-covered shores. The exact route and pace of each trip will be determined based on individual rower preferences and goals, as well as the weather.

Contact us today to discuss your dream rowing trip along the coast of Maine!