Cornish PIlot Gig Expertise
Although Rowing to Wild LLC offers sliding seat rowing, its founder Leigh Dorsey has a wealth of knowledge to offer to Cornish Pilot Gig rowing clubs. Leigh began rowing and racing in Cornish pilot gigs in 2013, and for the first few years she quietly delighted in the game of learning which concepts from sliding seat rowing she could apply to her own rowing in traditional fixed seat boats.
Twelve years later, Leigh has logged many hundreds of hours both in the coxswain seat and on the oars of Cornish pilot gigs, coaching rowers of all levels, competing in the World Pilot Gig Championships as well as many local New England races, and learning all along the way what works and what doesn’t. Now, she’s excited to share that knowledge with other Cornish Pilot Gig rowing clubs.
Leigh will travel to your pilot gig club to train your coxswains or crews in your club’s own boats
Coxswain Training
Good coxswains are the backbone of any gig rowing club. They keep their crews safe, navigate complex waters, set the tone, and improve their crew’s rowing ability.
Leigh offers 4-, 6- and 8-hour training options for groups of up to six coxswain at affordable prices.
Help your club’s coxswains gain the skills they need to guide their crews with confidence and competence.
Rowing Technique for Fixed Seat Teams
All rowers seek that elusive and addictive joy that comes when a crew is synched up and suddenly a group of individuals moves across the water like one.
Book a 2-hour training session with Leigh to help your crew or club improve their rowing technique.