Rowing Lessons & Adventures on the Coast of Maine

Join us in our light and lively wooden rowboats! Whether you are a beginner wanting to learn a new skill or a seasoned sliding-seat rower curious about our version of open water rowing, there is an opportunity for you to get out on the water with us.

  • Learn to scull with friends or solo in a friendly boat that is forgiving and stable.

  • Build strength & endurance in our seaworthy doubles or quad while immersing yourself in the beauty of Penobscot Bay.

  • Have you ever rowed out to camp on one of Maine’s wild islands? This is one of our favorite things to do, and we’d love to have you join us!

  • Drawing on over a decade of experience of rowing, coxing, and competing, Leigh offers training to Cornish Pilot Gig clubs.

Engage the body. Quiet the mind. Connect to others.

Learn to scull or row for fitness on beautiful Belfast Bay

Create your own adventure on a custom trip to Maine’s wild islands

The quickest way to find yourself in the wild is to step into a small boat and push off from the shore.

-Leigh Dorsey, Rowing to Wild founder

Learn more about why open water rowing in our unique rowboats is one of the best ways to spend time on the coast of Maine.