144,000 calories

….is approximately how many calories we are bringing with us to fuel our journey. This is what we would need for 20 days of rowing with no stops to re-supply.

1 day of food for the two of us (about 7,200 calories)

Our strategy for food is to just bring everything we will need for the journey. Though it will make the boat heavier, it will save a lot of time not to have to make detours into towns to seek out grocery stores, shop, unpackage, and repack. And our experience with rowing NORPPA fully loaded is that she handles quite well and we don’t feel the added weight as much of hindrance.

The daily menu is something like this:

Breakfast: home-mixed muesli soaked overnight (rolled oats, rye flakes, coconut, almonds, dried cranberries, dried currants, dates, powdered whole milk). 1 cup of this for Leigh, 1/2 cup plus a shake for Dameon. Also 1/2 cup each of freeze dried berries.

During the day: beef jerky or nuts, Cliff bars, gummies, dried fruit, powdered energy drink mix. Breaking every 45 minutes for a quick intake of food and water – 100 calories each time (on average…sometimes more, sometimes less).

Dinner: either ramen with freeze-dried veggies and meat added, couscous with freeze-dried veggies and meat added, or a ready-made backpacking meal. Plus recovery shake and a Riesen chocoloate candy.

2 thoughts on “144,000 calories”

  1. Your daily ration of white powder looks ample for the trip.

    Down down all lines up up all fish – fish call! Are you going to bring a trawling line with hook?

    1. No, not planning to trawl. Sounds potentially tasty, but also a possible hazard when camping in bear country.
      And yes, lots of powders. Some is an energy drink to intake while we row, and some is recovery shake to help repair/prepare our muscles for the next day.

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