Race to Alaska 2019

Race Updates:

Check out this Story Map we put together to summarize our journey for a recent presentation.  

Photo Gallery

Hi there! Yep, we’re doing it [have done it and are now doing it again! Check out out 2022 updates!]. Rowing 750 miles in a race that’s mostly made up of sail boats and which we have no chance of winning. But we’re ridiculously excited and grateful about having the chance just to do it.

If you don’t know anything about the race, check out the R2AK website. It’s got cool videos of past years and hilarious team bios on those of us racing this year. Ours is here if you’re interested. (Recommendation – adopt a 12-year-old boy’s sense of humor before reading and you’ll really enjoy it. Or just be like us and have a 12-year-old boy’s sense of humor to begin with. Either way, it’s funny.)

We got totally hooked on watching the R2AK’s race tracker last June (2018). We decided in probably the first 30 seconds of the first video we watched that we wanted to do the race…mainly because of the race’s first and most important rule: any boat can enter the race, as long as it doesn’t have a motor.